Steelbird Red onion oil conditioner blend withnatural ingredients like Coconut and red onion extract that transforming yourhair texture and shine. It also helps to strengthen hair follicles, reduce hairfall, repair and protect damaged hair. Suitable for all hair types, thisconditioner can be used to add moisture and condition your hair. It helps tostrengthen and improve hair texture. It is infused with red onion extract withstrong properties that helps to protect the hair and promote blood circulationto the roots. Black seed oil, rich in fatty acids, helps to form a protectivebarrier on the strands. Onion protein aids in keeping hair conditioned andadding shine. It can be used to help make hair look healthy and shiny
Product Details
Country of Origin: India
Manufacturer: A.M. Enterprises
Seller Name: Shop On Steelbird
Seller Address: Plot number 182, Industrial area phase 2, panchkula
Brand Name: Steelbird
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